The Thelma E. Meadon Scholarship

The Thelma E. Meadon Scholarship

From the Class of 1933 Yearbook:

“The Weapon with which she conquered all obstacles was patience, a necessary ingredient of genius.”

“Characteristic: Patience
Although Thelma has never made her sweet self very conspicuous, she has gained a great many friends. Her activities include: Commuters’ Club, Minstrel, Recording Secretary, Hockey and May Day”

Thelma E. Meadon was a graduate of Elementary Education from the former Westfield State Normal School.


“As I was reading about this scholarship, I noticed that Thelma was involved in her community as well as with Westfield State University. I find it remarkable that her descriptive characteristic is patience because I as well would describe myself as quite patient. Patience is a virtue, especially because it is so easy for people to rush through each day. It is important to be able to slow down and appreciate the little things.”
-Morgan Butler ’19, Elementary Education

“By awarding me the Thelma E. Meadon Scholarship you have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus on the most important part of school, learning. Your generosity is what allows me to give back to the students that I will teach one day.”
-Sarah Balestro ’21, Elementary Education

“I extend my most sincere thanks to you for selecting me to be a recipient of the Thelma Meadon Memorial Scholarship. I am committed to continuing to work hard throughout my final year at WSU.”
-Jenna Eckstrom ’20, Elementary Education & Liberal Studies

“Thelma seemed to be the kind of person that wanted to make a positive impact on any and everyone she met, whether that was one of her students, friends, or community members. I hope that I can try to embody these same ideals as I pursue my dreams.”
-Bradley Harvey ’22, Elementary Education & Liberal Studies
